Why Aging Doesn’t Scare Me

Since turning 50 four years ago, I’ve become obsessed with the topic of aging.  By aging, I mean everything about the five-plus possible decades of life that remain for me, and what life will ideally ...Read More →

Menopause: What’s the Big Deal?

It’s official. After counting the months between periods for well over two years, I can confidently announce that I hit menopause. I can give away my remaining tampons and pads and stop using birth...Read More →

Death Awareness and Living a Better Life

I was at a party sitting across from my sister Sandra talking about this and that when she suddenly asked me to “Swallow.” From her expression, I knew she’d turned from sister to Dr. Mini. “You have a...Read More →

I’m Ready to Go Gray

I seriously considered going gray three years ago during the lockdown. After much soul-searching and extensive consultation with family and friends, I realized it wasn’t time. It felt like an identity...Read More →